Cheeseboro Kitchens

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Beef Sand™ Brings Beefier, Bolder Flavors to the New Classic, Smashburgers

Cheddar smashburgers “sing” when the patties are seasoned with Cheeseboro Kitchens Beef Sand™ before grilling.

Beef Sand™ Brings Beefier, Bolder Flavors to Some Near End-of-Summer Weekend Smashburgers

Cheeseboro Kitchens Beef Sand™ continues to be a grillmasters best friend as its signature blend of spices and herbs only enhance beef’s inherently robust earthiness and meatiness of flavor.

Here I “smashed” two balls of ground beef in a grill pan on high heat, seasoned with Beef Sand™, topped with thinly slices onions, and kept them flattened with a spatula to give the bottom side a good sear before flipping them, topping them cheddar cheese to melt while still in the pan, then transfer them to butter-toasted rolls to be finally admired and enjoyed with a drizzle of our first, breakthrough product, Pop Sauce™ (which we hope to have to market again by 2025!).

Cheeseboro Kitchens Beef Sand™ not only enhances beef’s natural great grilled taste, but it also heightens its invitingly great grilled aromas as well.

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The addition of our pilot product Pop Sauce — the new standard of condiment, with its “5S” signature mix of savory, sweet, salty, smoky, and spicy — took the smashburgers over the top with each flavorbomb bite.

Beef Sand™ is, of course, every summer grillmaster’s best friend, but chef’s and home cooks look just as forward to using Beef Sand™ throughout the coming seasons, for dishes like a nice autumn grilled steak, a hearty and homey winter beef stew or farmer’s pie, or tasty spring carne asada tacos!

Order your Beef Sand™ — or any of our seven Cheeseboro Kitchens Sand™ Seasonings — through the Amazon Cheeseboro Kitchens storefront or the button in this article.