Mornin', Family


Country Home-Style Grits, Bacon, and Eggs

Although I can't be at the annual family reunion in person in Virginia this weekend, I can — and choose always — to be there in spirit, always.

One of the best ways I know how to do that is through food, especially through making one of the very dishes I'd be having with various family members were I in attendance.

And sometimes the simplicity of a dish made with love needs no alteration. So this morning I made the exact plate of breakfast that I know many of my relatives will be cooking up and enjoying over the next couple of days — the kind my dear dad made for me most mornings for decades — scrambled eggs, thick cut bacon, and grits topped with a pat of butter.

No fancy additions or fussy technique needed here. "Country"-style means simple, hearty, and comforting. Still and always one of my favorite dishes, as there is nothing more delicious than a tasty meal made by family with unconditional love.